Do you need help to trace the genealogy of your ancestors who emigrated from France or Germany, publish your research in a book, understand the results of your DNA test or identify an unknown ancestor? Contact me at genea@greg-wolf.com !
🇫🇷 version française – 🇩🇪 deutsche Version
I am a professional genealogist who combines two complementary skills, family history and genetic genealogy. After more than 30 years of personal research on my family as a passionate amateur, I have professionalized my practice by training at the Ecole Nationale des Chartes and the Institut Français de Formation à la Généalogie, and especially by multiplying investigations and solving complex cases.
Whether you don’t have the time, the desire or the skills to do your research by yourself, I analyze the feasibility of your request, and offer you an hourly or flat-rate estimate depending on the complexity of the service and possible travel.
Being based in Paris, I can quickly carry out your research in the main archives of Ile-de-France (Archives de Paris, Archives Nationales in the Marais and in Pierrefitte, Service Historique de la Défense in Vincennes, etc.). And my area of intervention is much wider: because of my origins, I specialize in the archives of the Grand Est (Lorraine and Alsace) and German-speaking countries (Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Belgium, Luxembourg), and the British branch of my wife’s family has led me to further expand my research territory internationally (United Kingdom, Ireland, Sweden, United States, etc.). I also work when necessary with colleagues of the UPro-G network (Union Professionnelle de Généalogistes) of which I am a board member.
Family history in France or Germany
Here are my most common areas of intervention in family genealogy, knowing that I also perform more personalized services. I take particular care in the writing and visual rendering of my research reports, which systematically include a detailed account of my approach and all the records found.

Research and design of your family tree over 5, 6, 7… generations

Search for all the descendants of a couple of ancestors

Research of documents and reconstitution of military history

History of a property, its owners and its successive inhabitants

Deciphering and transcribing ancient documents in French, Latin, German and English

Ad hoc research of records to solve your genealogical brick wall
Genetic genealogy
Genetic genealogy is a new discipline that I have already mastered, having participated in many international conferences on the subject. If you have done a DNA test, I can help you understand and exploit the results you have obtained: interpretation of the report provided by the laboratory, analysis of genetic matches, search for biological relatives or unknown ancestors, individual coaching on your research, etc.

Interpretation of your DNA test results and action plan

Search for biological relatives or unknown ancestors

Contacts and frequent reports of your genetic matches in each laboratory

Personalized coaching and skills transfer via videoconference
Conferences and training
Finally, I like to share my knowledge and passion with amateur and professional genealogists. I regularly give lectures for associations or institutions, or at genealogical fairs, either in person or remotely. I actively monitor new tools and innovative features in genetic genealogy to integrate them into my lectures.

Speaker during fairs or for associations or companies

Genetic genealogy workshops in small groups by videoconference
You will find on this page the details of my terms and conditions
Customer feedback
« Sonder le passé pour éclairer le présent, passionné et professionnel, Greg Wolf est la personne idéale pour nous accompagner dans nos recherches. Un vrai détective, grâce à lui j’ai retrouvé mon AGM décédée en 1934 aux archives hospitalières et un dossier d’enfant assisté. Je fais régulièrement appel à lui dès que je bloque dans mon arbre. Efficace et passionnant. Merci Monsieur Wolf »
Lydie, Amiens
5,0 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ sur Pages Jaunes
« J’ai fait appel à Greg Wolf pour m’aider à rechercher les parents d’un ancêtre abandonné. Il m’a permis d’avancer à la fois dans la construction de mon arbre généalogique en trouvant des archives utiles dont j’ignorais l’existence (en particulier des dossiers de naturalisation) et dans l’interprétation des correspondances ADN que je ne savais pas exploiter. Merci de m’avoir accompagnée avec bienveillance et efficacité dans la résolution de l’énigme généalogique de mon histoire, bloquée depuis un certain temps. »
Roseline, Paris
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« Greg Wolf a reconstitué mon arbre généalogique et retrouvé l’ensemble de mes ancêtres sur 6 générations dans les départements du Rhône, de la Loire, de l’Isère, du Lot et de l’Ardèche. Il a déniché des actes qui m’ont permis de mieux comprendre la vie de mes ancêtres, d’avoir fait la lumière sur certaines histoires de ma famille. Et grâce au test ADN il a pu retrouver mon arrière grand-père biologique . J’ai eu l’éclairage sur certains non-dits. Merci »
Olivier, Paris
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« C’est merveilleux qu’aussi rapidement vous me fassiez parvenir des infos sur mes ancêtres allemands qui ne m’ont pas été transmises tout au long de ma vie !«
Fabienne, Alsace
5,0 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ sur Facebook
« Greg is a truly a professional. I had such a time with a ships manifest. He not only found it, he gave me the picture and the link. Did I mention that I was looking for this record for 20 years?«
Barbara, USA
5,0 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ sur Google
« Mes remerciements à Greg Wolf pour son travail pour retrouver mon géniteur, son écoute et sa sympathie envers ma nouvelle famille Américaine. Mes enfants. heureux le remercient également ! »
Chantal, Alsace
5,0 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ sur Pages Jaunes
« Généalogiste très professionnel, à l’écoute et de bon conseil. Ce qui m’a décidé de prendre contact avec lui c’est sa page internet qui est en faite une petite biographie… cela m’a plu et mise en confiance. De plus on ressent qu’il fait ce métier par passion. J’apprécie grandement son accompagnement tout au long de ma recherche. Je vous conseil M Wolf pour vos recherches les yeux fermés ! »
Christina, Aquitaine
5,0 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ sur Google
« Greg est de très bon conseil, très patient et très à l’écoute, il arrive à bien démêler les fils des liens familiaux compliqués. Il est très clair dans ses explications et on voit bien qu’il a une grande habitude des mystères généalogiques. Je recommande vivement ses services ! »
Marie-Laure, Espagne
5,0 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ sur Google
« I am very satisfied with the work carried out in connection with my own genealogical research.
As agreed, professionally and on very good terms.
I am happy to use his services on other occasions. »
Trond, Norway
5,0 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ sur Google
A selection of some of my articles in english

Genealogical tour for American Mennonites to the lands of their ancestors in Alsace-Lorraine
I had the pleasure of welcoming 4 ESCH brothers from Pennsylvania and organizing a tour in the footsteps of their NAFZIGER Anabaptist ancestors in Alsace-Lorraine.

The WOLF family that left France for America in 1846
The cradle of my WOLF ancestors is the small village of Achen, where they are mentioned since the 17th century. But in the middle of the 19th century, some WOLFs from Achen with a desire for adventure decided to leave for America

The RUSSELL family gathering for Queen Victoria’s Diamond Jubilee in 1897
By joining our efforts, after several days of work, we managed to identify a large part of the 58 people present 123 years ago !

Alfred the Great, King of England, my great grand father at the 40th generation
Alfred the Great (Old English: Ælfrēd, Ælfrǣd, « elf counsel » or « wise elf »; 849 – 26 October 899) was King of Wessex from 871 to c. 886 and King of the Anglo-Saxons from c. 886 to 899. Alfred successfully defended his kingdom against the Viking attempt at conquest, and by the time of his death had […]

How the DRIVER family became the PERCIVAL family
My wife’s grandfather was christened David Eyre Percival DRIVER, but in 1935 at the age of 21 he changed his name by deed poll to David Eyre PERCIVAL, as did his brother Michael PERCIVAL. Here are the consequences in the descending tree of John DRIVER and Ann SPINK from Yorkshire : John DRIVER ca 1795-ca 1821 […]